Thursday, 16 June 2016

एसएलसीको नतिजा सार्वजनिक १६ हजार ४ सय ५४ जनाकाे 'ए प्लस' 'सी ' ग्रेडमा सबैभन्दा धेरै उतिर्ण

एसएलसीको नतिजा सार्वजनिक

  • १६ हजार ४ सय ५४ जनाकाे 'ए प्लस'
  • 'सी ' ग्रेडमा सबैभन्दा धेरै उतिर्ण
असार २, २०७३- परिक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालय, सानोठिमीले यस वर्षको एसएलसी परिक्षाको परिक्षफल बिहीबार प्रकाशित गरेको छ ।
यसै वर्षदेखि परिक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालयले एसएलसीको परिक्षाफल ग्रेडिङ प्रणाली अनुसार सार्वजनिक गरेको हो ।

आज प्रकाशित नतिजा अनुसार एसएलसी परिक्षामा सामेल भएका ५ लाख ८८ हजार १ सय ५२ जना मध्ये ३.६ भन्दा माथि देखी ४ ग्रेड प्वाइन्ट एभरेज (जीपीए) ल्याई १६ हजार ४ सय ५४ जना उर्तिण भएका छन् ।

यस्तै, ३.२ भन्दा माथी देखि ३.६ जीपीएमा ४१ हजार ५ सय ७७ जना उर्तिण भएका छन् । २.८ भन्दा माथी देखि ३.२ जीपीएमा ४८ हजार ६ सय ११ जना, २.४ भन्दा माथी देखि २.८ जीपीएमा ६३ हजार १ सय ८१ जना, २ भन्दा माथी देखि २.४ जीपीएमा ९४ हजार ७ सय १६ र १.६ भन्दा माथी देखी २.४ जीपीएमा १ लाख ४ हजार २ सय ७८ जना पास भएका छन् ।

एसएलसी परिक्षामा सामेल भएका मध्ये ३ सय ८३ जनाको परिक्षा रद्ध गरिएको छ भने ३ सय ८० जनाको एक विषयको परिक्षा रद्ध गरिएको छ ।

परिक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यलयले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार डि र ई ग्रेड पाउने परिक्षार्थीले बढीमा दुई विषयमा पुन: परिक्षा दिन पाउने छन् । ग्रेड वृद्धीका लागि पुन: परिक्षा साउन २० र २१ गतेदेखि हुनेछ । यसमा नियमित तर्फ १ लाख ८ हजार ३ सय २६ जनाले परिक्षा दिन पाउने छन् भने पुरक परिक्षा साउन १४ देखि हुनेछ ।
यस्तै परिक्षा नियन्त्रण कार्यालयका अनुसार प्राविधिक तर्फको नतिजा एक हप्तापछि सार्वजनिक गरिने छ ।


Monday, 13 June 2016

Saturday, 4 June 2016

10 Unusual Facts From Ramayana Not Known By Most Of The People

10 Unusual Facts From Ramayana Not Known By Most Of The People

Ramayana, An Epic .
It was created and written by Valmiki and this teaches us about the ideal life of lord Ram and many more to easily gain ethics. There are many incidents from the story of Ramayana that are commonly known by most of us reading this. But, still there are many facts about which we don’t know much.
Here are 10 unusual facts from Ramayana not known by most of us …
Have a look at the following facts…..

1. Ram’s Sister

Ram had an elder sister named Shanta

2. How Ravan Got 10 Heads

Ravan was a loyal devotee of lord Shiv and to please the lord, he sacrificed his head, but his head grew again. It happened for ten times and Ultimately lord Shiva gave him all the ten heads.

3. Original King of Lanka is Kuber

Kuber created Lanka for his own use but his stepbrother Ravan attacked him and took away the palace 😛9-Strange-Facts-from-Ramayana-Most-People-dont-Know-600x600

4. Laxman was a spirit of Shesh Naag

Everybody knows lord Ram was an incarnation of Lord Vishnu, but usually people don’t know that Laxman was deity of Shesh Naag.

.3-Strange-Facts-from-Ramayana-Most-People-dont-Know-600x450 (1)

5. Laxman Never Slept during 14 Years of Exile

Laxman never slept while the entire exile of 14 years. He asked the goddess of sleep Nindra to overlook him so that he can take care of Ram and Sita while in exile.


6. Bali Killed Krishna in His Next Birth

Jara, the hunter who killed lord Krishna was a reincarnation of Bali


7. Laxman Died Because of Ram’s Words

Once lord Ram met Yam and said anybody to intercept the meeting would be given death punishment and unfortunately, Laxman entered the room where Ram was meeting Yam. To keep the promise of elder brother, Laxman claimed his life


8. Why Hanuman is Called Bajrangbali

Once Sita told Hanumaan that she puts vermilion (sindoor) on her head for a long and healthy life of lord Ram. Hearing this, Hanuman smeared his entire body with vermilion for making Ram’s life utmost safe. Bajrang is a Hindi term for sindoor, hence Hanuman was given a name after it, and that’s Bajrangbali.


9. How Squirrels got White Stripes

While monkeys making Ram Setu, the bridge to reach Lanka, a squirrel tried to help them by carrying sand. Monkeys laughed to watch this, but Ram praised the squirrel for its dedication. Ram cuddled the back of squirrel and the stripes appeared as the finger signs.


10. Surparnkha Wanted Ravan to Die

That’s really surprising but actually Ravan had killed Surpankha’s husband Dushtabuddhi for which she wanted to take revenge from Ravan.

I guess, You all find this post surprising as many of the things not known by you 🙂
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Saturday, 28 May 2016

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password

After the long holiday,
Today we will learn about 5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password. A lot of readers send many request regarding how to crack wireless WPA2 password in our request tutorial page.
According to Wikipedia :
Wi-Fi Protected Access (WPA) and Wi-Fi Protected Access II (WPA2) are two security protocols and security certification programs developed by the Wi-Fi Alliance to secure wireless computer networks. The Alliance defined these in response to serious weaknesses researchers had found in the previous system, WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy)
A flaw in a feature added to Wi-Fi, called Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS), allows WPA and WPA2 security to be bypassed and effectively broken in many situations. Many access point they have a Wifi Protected Setup enabled by default (even after we hard reset the access point).
1. Wireless card (support promiscuous mode)
In this tutorial I use ALFA AWUS036H from Amazon.
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
2. Access point with WPA2 and WPS enables

5 Steps Wifi Hacking – Cracking WPA2 Password:

1. Open our terminal (CTRL+ALT+T) and type airmon-ng (view tips and tricks how to create keyboard shortcut on kali linux)
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
this command will lists our wireless card that attached with our system.
2. The next step we need to stop our wireless monitor mode by running airmon-ng stop wlan0
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
3. Now we ready to capture the wireless traffic around us. By running airodump-ng wlan0 our wireless interface will start capturing the data.
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
From the picture above, we can see many available access point with all the information. In the green box is our victim access point which is my own access point 🙂
BSSID (Basic Service Set Identification): the MAC address of access point
PWR: Signal level reported by the card.
Beacons: Number of announcements packets sent by the AP
#Data: Number of captured data packets (if WEP, unique IV count), including data broadcast packets.
#/s: Number of data packets per second measure over the last 10 seconds.
CH: Channel number (taken from beacon packets).
MB: Maximum speed supported by the AP. If MB = 11, it's 802.11b, if MB = 22 it's 802.11b+ and higher rates are 802.11g.
ENC: Encryption algorithm in use.
CIPHER: The cipher detected. TKIP is typically used with WPA and CCMP is typically used with WPA2.
AUTH: The authentication protocol used.
ESSID: Shows the wireless network name. The so-called “SSID”, which can be empty if SSID hiding is activated.
4. From the step 3 above, we can find access point with encryption algorithm WPA2 and note the AP channel number. Now we will find out whether target AP has WPS enabled or not.
wash -i wlan0 -c 8 -C -s
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
if the WPS Locked status is No, then we ready to crack and move to step 5.
5. The last step is cracking the WPA2 password using reaver.
reaver -i <your_interface> -b <wi-fi victim MAC address> –fail-wait=360
Because we already get the information from step 3 above, so my command look like this:
reaver -i wlan0 -b E0:05:C5:5A:26:94 –fail-wait=360
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
it took about 5 hours to crack 19 characters WPA2 password ( from my Kali virtualBox, but it depend with our hardware and wireless card.
1. WPA and WPA2 security implemented without using the Wi-Fi Protected Setup (WPS) feature are unaffected by the security vulnerability.
2. To prevent this attack, just turn off our WPS/QSS feature on our access point. See picture below (I only have the Chinese version 😛 )
5 Steps Wifi Hacking - Cracking WPA2 Password
Notes: Only practice this tutorial on your own lab and your own device. Hacking can be a crime if you don't know where to put it.

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Wednesday, 25 May 2016

विश्वका १५ खतरनाक ठाउँ (फोटोफिचर)

विश्वका १५ खतरनाक ठाउँ (फोटोफिचर)

एजेन्सी, जेठ १२ print

मानिसहरु सुन्दर र शान्त ठाउँमा बस्न रुचाउछन् जहाँ सबै सुविधा हुन्छ र वातावरण पनि स्वच्छ होस्। तर यस्त पनि केही ठाउँ छन् जो खतराले भरिपूर्ण छन्। यस्ता ठाउँमा मानिसहरुमा सुरक्षाको अनुभूति महसुस हुँदैन। 

हेरौँ विश्वका केही खतरनाक ठाउँका तस्वीरः
1. The Guatemala Sinkhole
2. Kivu Lake
3. Mount Merapi
4. Ramree Island
5. The Royal Path
6. Miyake Island
7. Snake Island
8. Okefenokee Swamp
9. Aokigahara
10. The Bloody Pond in Japan
11. Sable Island – The Devourer of Ships
12. Danakil
13. Mount Washington
14. The Road of Death
15. Grand Prismatic Spring

प्रकाशित मिति: बुधबार, जेठ १२, २०७३ १४:२४:४५


Sunday, 22 May 2016

5 places on earth where the sun never sets

जानिए दुनिया के 5 देशों के बारे में, जहां नहीं अस्त होता है सूरज

हम सभी कभी न कभी यह जरूर सोचते हैं कि अगर सूरज न अस्त हो तो कितना अच्छा होगा. मगर सूरज के आगे किसकी चलती है. वह अपनी मर्जी से निकलता है और अपनी मर्जी से अस्त भी होता है. लेकिन दुनिया में कुछ ऐसी जगहें जरूर हैं जहां सूरज अस्त नहीं होता है. जानिए ऐसी ही जगहों के बारे में...

1. नॉर्वे: यह देश आर्क्टिक सर्कल के अंदर आता है. इसे मध्य रात्रि का देश भी कहा जाता है. मई से जुलाई के बीच करीब 76 दिनों तक यहां सूरज अस्त नहीं होता है. अगर आप घूमने के बारे में तो सोच रहे हैं तो यहां जरूर जाएं. 
2. आइसलैंड: ग्रेट ब्रिटेन के बाद यह यूरोप का सबसे बड़ा आईलैंड है. यहां आप रात में भी सूरज की रोशनी का आनंद ले सकते हैं. यहां 10 मई से जुलाई के अंत तक सूरज नहीं डूबता है. यहां घूमना आपके लिए काफी यादगार साबित हो सकता है.
3. कनाडा: दुनिया का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा देश जो अर्से तक बर्फ से ढका रहता है. हालांकि यहां के उत्तरी-पश्च‍िमी हिस्से में गर्मी के दिनों में 50 दिनों तक सूरज लगातार चमकता रहता है. 
4. अलास्का: यहां मई से जुलाई के बीच में सूरज नहीं डूबता है. अलास्का अपने खूबसूरत ग्लेशियर के लिए जाना जाता है. मई से लेकर जुलाई के महीने में बर्फ को रात में चमकते देखना कितना आनंददायक हो सकता है, इसकी कल्पना तो आप कर ही सकते हैं. 
5. फिनलैंड: हजारों झीलों और आइलैंड्स से सजा हुआ यह देश काफी सुंदर और आकर्षक है. गर्मी के मौसम में यहां करीब 73 दिनों तक सूरज अपनी रोशनी बिखेरता रहता है. घूमने के लिहाज से यह देश काफी अच्छा है.

क्‍या ये स्‍टोरी आपके लिए उपयोगी है?
Yes 63 


Saturday, 21 May 2016

11 Times People Took PDA To The Next Level

                   11 Times People Took PDA To The Next Level

1. Those yoga pants

2. What goes on at parties!

3. This couple has no limits

4. They must be so damn drunk to be doing this.

5. How shady is that?!

6. Don't they realize a photo is being taken?

7. I can't tell what the hell was going on there.

8. Considering the time given in the picture, they must be super drunk.

9. People seriously don't realize their surroundings before getting into things.

10. Two guys one girl?

11. They seem to be passionately in love, but in public, this is too much!
